green dots

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Renewed Strength

Isaiah 40:31
but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

I want to thank all my friends and family who have been faithful to pray for us. Like I mentioned in my last blog, things have been really hard lately. At church on Sunday, Matt preached about letting go. Giving it to God & letting him take it all. Wow. Thanks for preparing that JUST FOR ME. lol. :) In all seriousness, I knew that's what I needed to do, but was just struggling to do it. I sat there and cried through half the service.

I had such a hard time even getting there on Sunday. We did a meal with a few other families after church and I was supposed to bring beans, rice and dessert. I got the beans made Saturday night, but I was so tired I put the brownies and rice off until Sunday morning. I was sitting on the bed crying because I didn't have the energy to get dressed after I managed to get the food made. I knew Mark would hate going and staying to eat without me. I knew I would feel better if I did go. I just had to make myself put my clothes and makeup on to get there. I begged and pleaded with God to just give me the energy. He did. It wasn't a big huge surge like *I* wanted, but it was enough. It was sufficient. I got ready. I went and wow... I was blessed.

When I left church on Sunday, I didn't know HOW God was going to do it, but I knew He WAS going to do it. He would take care of us financially. It wasn't mine to worry about. He would handle if for me.

I went to bible study that afternoon and during prayer request time, I asked for prayer for my thyroid. This was kind of hard for me, because I'm VERY new to this group. This was just my 2nd time to go. Now, all of you who know me know that I have NO problem talking. lol. I do however, have a hard time admitting that I need help. Even if it's something I can't do much about, like my thyroid. This group of ladies were amazing. When it was time to pray, Marilyn, our pastor's wife just asked the ladies to come and lay a hand on me while she prayed. Feeling the love of those ladies as they put their hands on my back and shoulders and arms while she prayed over me was so wonderful. I haven't felt that much love in a long time.

When I got home, I had more energy than I had all day. Really in DAYS. I worked on Walker's room and made a big dent in it! I moved 8 storage tubs and boxes out for Mark to put in the garage for me. It made a HUGE difference in his room and my spirit!

I went Monday and got a couple of vacuum storage bags for the 10 blankets and quilts I needed to store that were in his crib AND we were blessed with a friend saying she doesn't need her crib mattress and she's giving us hers! WOW! Also on Monday, God showed up BIG TIME in our mail box. It's amazing the way He's showing us He's there. A friend sent me cash. In a card, in with some other things she mailed me, there was tucked a card, and some cash. A note saying she was praying. Wow. I cried. :) Then, my phone rebate came too! The two together were the exact amount of money Mark had to turn down because he wasn't able to preach a funeral Monday. I called and told him I knew why he couldn't preach that funeral, God had made up for it! He also had to turn down a funeral for Tuesday because of his work schedule. I told him I didn't know what God would do for Tuesday, but He had Monday taken care of. :)

Tuesday we were supposed to meet our tax lady in Norman and sign our paperwork at lunch time. She sent me a text late morning and had been called to a meeting and couldn't meet us. I was really bummed, but she assured me that it wouldn't affect our deposit date of our refund for next week, so I was ok. She called me that evening, and said she could meet us so we ran down to Norman. She prefaced our conversation with the fact she had made an error when doing our return, but it was good news. Now, I don't know about you, but here's my experience with bank errors. They are NEVER in my favor! If they are, it's when playing Monopoly and it's only $10.00. This bank error was WAY better than that. A $870.00 error in our favor. I seriously almost fell out of my chair right there in the Taco Bell. Ha ha ha! Our refund was DOUBLE what I had gotten on Turbo Tax. I think God WAY more than took care of what Mark missed out on being able to preach those two funerals. :)

It doesn't change our long term problem financially, but it does help. A lot. We're going to be able to take care of a lot of things that desperately have needed to be done, we just couldn't. One of the things I'm most excited about is getting my wedding ring repaired. One of my prongs has worn down and I haven't been able to wear it for fear of loosing the stone. I miss it!

Letting go can hurt sometimes. It certainly wasn't easy, but God opened up the flood gates for us. There is no way to describe this other than a total God thing. I wasn't even going to try to find someone to do them for us, because I didn't think we could afford it. God provided and she was only $5.00 more than the crazy lady we used last year that did a terrible job! lol!

Today, we're soaring on eagle's wings. We're running and not growing weary, and we're able to walk and not faint, because my God is good. He is faithful and He provides.

1 comment:

  1. Christy,
    I'm so excited with your post. I've been there. And I can tell you that after 35 years of marriage, God has been faithful---so faithful. I think it's all about character building--making us look more and more like Jesus. (James 1) Blessings! And I'm praying.
